Why You Should Buy Olympic Volleyballs For Your High School

If you are a gym teacher or a volleyball coach, you know the importance of good equipment. When and if the school budget allows, you probably buy some of the best equipment you can. If you are in a position to buy new volleyballs now, consider buying Olympic volleyballs. The following reasons will support your decision to purchase these, in case your boss questions why you bought the very best. [Read More]

Who's the Best Bet for a Big 12 Playoff Team?

If you're a Big 12 college football fan, you want to see your favorite team validate the strength of the conference by getting into the college football playoff. This season has been an interesting one for the conference, and, while a playoff run isn't assured, it could still happen. The Current Top Big 12 Teams Right now, Big 12 powerhouse Oklahoma holds the best Big 12 record, with a 4-0 conference standing. [Read More]

Making the Elusive Bonefish Less Elusive: Tips for Catching One of These Fat Fish

Bonefish (Albula vulpes) are plump, silver-colored fish that like to hang out in mudflats and near any place where smaller crustaceans and worms live. They are considered near-threatened but not vulnerable or endangered, so fishing for them usually involves catch and release, save maybe one kept for dinner. However, the skill needed to catch them—and the tasty meals that one of these fish can provide—make bonefish one of the prizes of fishing in the Caribbean. [Read More]

Essential Accessories To Buy For Fly Fishing

For many fly fishing enthusiasts, gearing up for their pastime of choice can be just as thrilling as standing thigh-deep in a quiet river and hoping to land the big one. When it comes to outfitting yourself for your next fishing trip, you should be thinking beyond hip waders and a fishing vest. There are a number of different accessories that can make your time on the water easier — and it's impossible to deny that you'll feel like a professional with these items on your body, too. [Read More]